Aaron Meyer is licensed and available to represent Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and Soldiers in military criminal defense matters throughout the world. Location does not matter. If you are stationed at any of the following Army Bases, Aaron Meyer Law stands ready to immediately serve you. Call 949-390-5477 for a Free Consultation.
California: Camp Parks, Camp Roberts, Fort Hunter Liggett, Fort Irwin, Oakland Army Base, Presidio of Monterey, Sierra Army Depot, Sharpe Army Depot, and Tracy Army Depot
Alabama: Anniston Army Depot, Fort Rucker
Alaska: Fort Greely, Fort Richardson, Fort Wainwright
Arizona: Fort Huachuca, Yuma Proving Ground
Arkansas: Camp J. T. Robinson, Pine Bluff Arsenal
Colorado: Fort Carson and Rocky Mountain Arsenal
Georgia: Fort Benning, Fort Gillem, Fort Gordon, Fort McPherson, Fort Stewart, and Hunter Army Airfield
Hawaii: Fort Shafter, Kunia Field Station, Pohakuloa Training Area, Schofield Barracks (MWR Resort), Tripler Army Medical Center
Idaho: Idaho Launch Complex, MTA Gowen Field Boise (ANG), Orchard Range TS Boise (ANG), and TS Edgemeade Mtn Home (ANG)
Illinois: Charles M. Price Support Center and Rock Island Arsenal
Indiana: Camp Atterbury (ANG)
Iowa: Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
Kansas: Battle Command Battle Laboratory, Center for Army Leadership, Center for Army Lessons Learned, Center for Army Tactics Combat Studies Institute, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, Combined Arms Center, Command and General Staff College, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Riley Munson, Army Health Center, National Simulation Center, Nickell Hall (ANG), School for Command Preparation, and the School of Advanced Military Studies
Kentucky: Fort Campbell and Fort Knox
Louisiana: Fort Polk
Maine: MTA Deepwoods (ANG), MTA Riley-Bog Brook (ANG), TS Caswell (ANG), and TS Hollis Plains (ANG)
Maryland: Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Detrick, Fort Meade, and Fort Ritchie
Michigan: Camp Grayling and Detroit Arsenal
Minnesota: Camp Ripley
Mississippi: Camp Shelby
Missouri: Camp Clark, Camp Crowder, and Fort Leonard Wood
Nevada: Hawthorne Army Ammunition Depot
New Jersey: Fort Dix, Fort Monmouth, and Picatinny Arsenal
New Mexico: White Sands Missile Range
New York: Fort Drum, Fort Hamilton, Seneca Army Depot, United States Military Academy (West Point), and Watervliet Arsenal
North Carolina: Fort Bragg
Ohio: Camp Perry (ANG)
Oklahoma: Fort Sill, McAlester Army Ammo Plant
Pennsylvania: Carlisle Barracks, Charles E. Kelly Support Facility, Fort Indiantown GAP (ANG), Harrisburg Military Post (ANG), Letterkenny Army Depot, New Cumberland Army Depot, Tobyhanna Army Depot
Puerto Rico: Fort Buchanan
South Carolina: Fort Jackson
Tennessee: Holston Army Ammo Plant and Milan Army Ammo Plant
Texas: Fort Bliss, Fort Hood, Fort Sam Houston, Ingleside Army Depot, and Red River Army Depot
Utah: Dugway Proving Ground and Tooele Army Depot
Virginia: Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Belvoir, Fort Eustis, Fort Lee, Fort Monroe, Fort Myer, and Fort Pickett (ANG)
Washington: Fort Lewis and Yakima Training Center
Wisconsin: Fort McCoy
To start building your Military Criminal Defense Case with a proven winner, undefeated in military courtrooms call Aaron Meyer Law at 949-390-5477 or fill out the form below.
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