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Aaron Meyer’s Trial Results Include

Case Dismissed

Another General Court-Martial Case Dismissed. Another example of why you go to war at the Article 32 Preliminary Hearing. Don’t wait for trial! False claims of sexual assault and assault made with impunity from DCFS in Los Angeles to a Divorce and Custody battle to the Army in Fort Gordon. The accusers and the “experts” that supported them finally met real cross-examination at the Preliminary Hearing. The case was “dismissed” in November after the Hearing, but the Prosecution said it was only dismissed “pending” a second
retaliatory investigation that they decided to open against my client. Now, we suddenly hear “never mind.” Fitting timing, since this was just down the road from Augusta National

Cleared of all Allegations

Marine Lance Corporal cleared of Sexual Assault allegations, thoroughly exposed as false.

Cleared of all Misconduct

Navy Commander cleared of all Misconduct on drug charges at his Board of Inquiry

Cleared of all Misconduct

Marine Corps Officers cleared of all misconduct at Boards of Inquiry at Camp Pendleton, then New Orleans, in the last two weeks. Both officers were separately accused of misconduct in different forward deployed environments. Many days and many witnesses later, both can resume their careers without blemish.

Not Guilty

Pre-Thanksgiving “Not Guilty” for a Marine’s ADSEP Hearing on allegations of Assault and DV


Felony insurance fraud charges DISMISSED in downtown San Diego

Cleared of all Misconduct

NO misconduct and NO Basis for my Petty Officer falsely accused of aggravated assault and sexual misconduct. It took experts, days of cross-examination, and some obtained video to finally get the job done. Never had ‘jury’ members actually recommend my client get his Duty Station of choice in the findings worksheet itself. Speaks to the merit of his case and character.

Not Guilty

Another “not guilty” Administrative Hearing at Whidbey Island, WA. A male Sailor accused my client of “sexual assault.”

All Charges Dismissed In Highly Publicized Case.

In 2019, Air Force Technical Sergeant charged with multiple counts of Sexual Assault at Patrick Air Force Base. After years of litigation and exposure of serious discovery violations and alleged victim misconduct


Not Guilty of All Charges

A 2017 Trial for Client in Ansbach, Germany, charged with First Degree Murder. After a 3-week trial that included cross examination of the lead Medical Examiner and a world’s leading expert in “Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma,” we presented a strong defense with several medical expert witnesses

All Charges Dismissed

In 2018, Air Force Master Sergeant charged with multiple counts of Sexual Assault in Misawa, Japan. We knew our Client was falsely accused from the beginning. While Article 32 Hearings are often seen as a “rubber stamp,” we set out to expose lie after lie, motive after motive, to the Hearing Officer. After the Preliminary Hearing, he recommended that these charges go no further. The Convening Authority was reasonable, evaluated the evidence, and agreed


In 2019, veteran client charged in San Bernardino County on charges of a second DUI under Vehicle Code §§ 23152(a) or (b), Driving Under the Influence with collision. Military Diversion pursuant to California Penal Code 1001.80, Granted with Case Dismissed upon successful completion of supervision period.

Not Guilty of All Charges

In 2017, Two-Week Trial of a Marine Corps Major in Twentynine Palms, CA, facing 7 charges, 3 separate accusers, and 60 years in prison. After a thorough and tireless workup, we uncovered the true story of the case. It was the right result and another day we will never forget. Victories like this are possible when your lawyer passionately, relentlessly, and wholly dedicates himself to saving your life

Case Dismissed And Arrest Expunged

In 2018, client charged in Orange County with his second DUI. Military Diversion pursuant to California Penal Code 1001.80, Granted with Case Dismissed and arrest expunged in February 2020.

All Charges Dismissed at a motions session just before trial.

In 2018, Cardiologist charged in Butte County California with Charges of Murder and Child Abuse. The allegations were based upon a Medical Examiner and Child Abuse Pediatrician’s ever-shifting theories of “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and “Abusive Head Trauma.” We had a team of medical experts ready to refute the Prosecution’s claims at trial. We supplied the State with detailed reviews from multiple pathologists, pediatric neuroradiologists, and a neuropathologist, among others. The DA even later sought their own independent review from a second medical examiner. She rebutted the local medical examiner. After years of prosecution, our team eventually convinced the DA’s office that they did not have evidence sufficient to sustain a conviction.

Case Dismissed After Full Bench Trial.

In 2019, successfully defend client against a restraining order action brought in Orange County, resulting in case dismissed after full bench trial.

All Charges Dismissed

In 2017, client facing 8 different specifications under the UCMJ, ranging from willful disobedience of an order, willful disrespect, resisting arrest, assault, and various 134 specifications. Through numerous motions pre-trial

All Charges Dismissed.

In 2017, client facing 8 different specifications under the UCMJ, ranging from willful disobedience of an order, willful disrespect, resisting arrest, assault, and various 134 specifications. Through numerous motions pre-trial

All Charges Dismissed.

In 2018, Client at Twentynine Palms, CA charged with cocaine use/possession. After pre-trial motions

All Charges Dismissed.

In 2018, Client charged with Felony Assault with means likely to produce great bodily injury (GBI) in California Superior Court. After a pretrial motion to dismiss

Case Dismissed With Prejudice After Full Bench Trial.

In 2019, successfully defended Veteran Marine client against a restraining order action brought in North County San Diego by former girlfriend, resulting in case dismissed with prejudice after full bench trial.

All Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct Dismissed

In 2018, Client charged with Abusive Sexual Contact and other crimes by Three Different Accusers. Through pretrial motions and negotiation, all allegations of Sexual Misconduct Dismissed, and Client accepted a deal for a minor misdemeanor that did not include any sex offense, jail time, or felony conviction.

All Charges Dismissed.

In 2018, Client at Camp Pendleton, CA charged with marijuana use/possession. After pre-trial motions

All Charges Dismissed by the Judge pursuant to Defense Motion.

In 2017, a Marine in a high-profile Assault, Hazing, and maltreatment case that gained national press for the actions of the Commanding General, First Marine Division, and his subordinates

Granted with Case to be Dismissed

In 2018, disabled Marine client charged in San Diego County with his first DUI. Military Diversion pursuant to California Penal Code 1001.80, Granted with Case to be Dismissed after completion of 18 months of diversion.

Case Dismissed.

In 2017, Client falsely accused of abuse, harassment, and intimidation by a former husband and step-child, who filed for Domestic Violence Restraining Order

All Charges Dismissed.

In May 2019, Marine Corps Captain charged with Sexual Assault and Rape in Quantico, VA. After completion of the Article 32 Preliminary Hearing and exposure of the lack of Probable Cause

Full Jury Acquittal

First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, Involuntary Manslaughter, Child Endangerment, Obstruction of Justice in a case involving false accusations of client killing his daughter through “Shaken Baby Syndrome”

Granted with Case to be Dismissed

In 2018, disabled Marine client charged in San Diego County with his first DUI. Military Diversion pursuant to California Penal Code 1001.80, Granted with Case to be Dismissed after completion of 18 months of diversion.

NO BASIS, Case Dismissed.

In November 2019, Marine Captain client charged with sexual assault at Board of Inquiry in New Orleans, LA

Full Jury Acquittal

Hazing, Assault, Maltreatment, and Involuntary Manslaughter in the Suicidal Death of a Subordinate Marine while Deployed in Combat in Afghanistan (charge dismissed pretrial) in 2012 trial covered by all major news outlets

Full Jury Acquittal

Rape by Force in Ramstein, Germany, Sexual Assault by Substantial Incapacitation, and Orders Violation for consumption of Alcohol in Forward Area of Operation

All Charges Dismissed.

April 2019, Marine Corps Major in Intel community charged with Sexual Assault, Dereliction of Duty, and Assault. After exposure of the lack of probable cause at the Preliminary Hearing

NO BASIS, Case Dismissed.

In August 2019, Marine Corps Captain based in San Diego client charged with Conduct Unbecoming, Dereliction of Duty, Abuse, False Official Statement in Board of Inquiry at Marine Forces Reserve, New Orleans, LA

Full Jury Acquittal

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, 10 counts of Assault Consummated by a Battery, 2 Counts of Assault Upon a Child, Conspiracy, Larceny, False Official Statement, Communication of a Threat, and 7 other charges in 2013 trial resulting in national and local media coverage

All Charges Dismissed.

In October 2019, Marine Major charged with Drug Distribution, Obstruction of Justice, and Conduct Unbecoming. After completion of the Article 32 Preliminary Hearing and exposure of the lack of Probable Cause

Full Jury Acquittal, with Two Counts Not Guilty Due to Lack of Mental Responsibility

In a 2013 trial, Wounded Warrior and decorated Marine Corps combat hero charged with Aggravated Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, Rape, Indecent Act, Aggravated Sexual Contact of a Child, Kidnapping: Full Jury Acquittal, with Two Counts Not Guilty Due to Lack of Mental Responsibility (Dissociative state due to Post Traumatic Stress/Traumatic Brain Injury, Medication Withdrawal). The Marine proceeded to complete Wounded Warrior treatment and medically retire Honorably with full benefits from the Marine Corps in 2014.

All Sexual Assault Charges Dismissed

In 2019, Client charged with Felony Sexual Assault among other allegations in San Bernardino Superior Court. After a extensive pre-trial negotiations and investigation, to include recovery of neighboring Ring doorbell footage from the night, All Sexual Assault Charges Dismissed. Client pleads to simple assault, reduced to misdemeanor in 18 months.

Full Jury Acquittal

Sexual Assault by Substantial incapacity, Rape, Indecent acts, and Orders Violations arising from a party at a Marine Corps barracks in 2011. The Accused Marine went on to deploy again in defense of his country and complete his enlistment Honorably

Dismissed Pretrial in 2012

“Cold Case” First Degree Murder Charge

No fine or punishment.

Client in United States on a work visa charged in January 2016 with PC 243(d) Battery with Serious Bodily Injury with PC 1192.7(c)(8) enhancement and Assault by Means likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury PC 245(a)(4). After commencing Defense investigation and obtaining statements from eyewitnesses before the Preliminary Hearing, DA agreed to dismissal of all charges in exchange for a plea to the infraction of “Unreasonable Noise,” per PC 415(2).

All Charges Dismissed two months before trial.

Senior military officer charged in 2015 with three counts of sexual assault of a minor. After a year of litigation

No discharge or confinement.

Marine Sergeant charged with various counts of aggravated sexual assault and rape in addition to other charges of aggravated assault and battery. At January 2016 jury trial, Client found Not Guilty of all sexual assault offenses, guilty to one count of non-sexual assault consummated by a battery. Client was reduced in rank and placed on 60 days of restriction.

Full Jury Acquittal

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Charges from three different alleged victims in 2011 trial

Full Jury Acquittal

Violation of Lawful General Order, Dereliction of Duty involving an Alleged Drunk Driving Incident in 2012

Full Jury Acquittal

Wrongful Use/Possession of Ecstasy (MDMA) arising from a rave at Los Angeles Coliseum in 2012

All Charges Dismissed

In 2011, co-defendants charged with rape and indecent conduct arising from a group sex scenario: All Charges Dismissed through highly-contested Pretrial Hearing.

All Charges Dismissed

In 2014, Marine Force Recon Master Sergeant wrongfully charged with compromising classified information in a deployed environment, dereliction of duty, and violation of orders: All Charges Dismissed by government as parties were walking into pretrial Motions Hearing.

Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed 5 Days before Jury Trial

Marine Corporal charged in Twentynine Palms, CA with two specifications of Article 112a for Methamphetamines. After nearly a year of expert litigation and motions, Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed 5 Days before Jury Trial was to Commence in October 2015.

Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed after initial filings.

Marine attached to a Camp Pendleton infantry battalion charged while on Deployment with an Article 92 orders violation in February 2015. Despite the Command initiating a Court-Martial in Okinawa, Japan, Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed after initial filings.

Military Diversion Granted

San Diego County Charges of Vehicle Code §§ 23152(a) or (b), Driving Under the Influence with collision in 2015. Military Diversion pursuance to California Penal Code 1001.80 Motion for Military Diversion Granted, resulting in no guilty plea and removal of any arrest or court record after successful completion of supervision period.

Criminal Threats in San Bernardino County

Felony charges of PC 245(a)(2)- Assault with firearm on person and PC 422(a)- Criminal Threats in San Bernardino County in January 2015. Client released on Probation after guilty plea to a single lesser charge.

All Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed

Marine charged in May 2015 with several charges of Violations of Orders and Unauthorized Absence. All Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed after Mr. Meyer’s initial filings in the case.

All Charges Dismissed

Client charged with sexual assault of his estranged ex-wife: All Charges Dismissed after thorough cross-examination of all government witnesses at pretrial hearing.


In 2020, Marine charged with sexual misconduct Involuntary Administrative Separation Board Hearing on Camp Pendleton, CA- NO BASIS, MARINE RETAINED, EAS Honorably.

All Charges Dismissed

Sexual Assault charged in 2011 as a result of false “date rape” charges after a night of drinking: All Charges Dismissed after deconstructing governments case at Pretrial Hearing.

Charges Dismissed

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) charged after driving through the sentry gate at Camp Pendleton, CA allegedly drunk: through extensive pretrial investigation and efforts: Charges Dismissed pretrial.

All Charges Dismissed

Charges of conspiracy, drug distribution, and drug possession in connection with an alleged ecstasy and spice drug distribution ring in Southern California in 2012: After we refused to cooperate against co-conspirators and began vigorously commencing motions in the case, All Charges Dismissed from felony-level court to handle administratively.

All Charges Dismissed.

Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) charged with sexual assault and fraternization while on temporary duty orders to Denver, CO. Despite a full investigation and purported “confession” obtained by Denver Police Department: Though a hotly contested pretrial hearing, All Charges Dismissed.

Charges Dismissed

In 2011, Marine Corps Major (0-4) charged with conspiracy, larceny, and $182,203 in financial fraud: after extensive pretrial preparation and negotiation efforts, Charges Dismissed from felony-level court-martial to accept non-judicial punishment, keeping Honorable Discharge and full Retirement intact.

Dismiss all Charges

In 2012, Marine Counter-Intelligence Operator charged with violation of an unlawful order for several violations of rules of engagement and operational security violations: After many months of pretrial battles in this case involving extensive classified documentation, we left the government with no choice but to Dismiss all Charges and accept administrative disposal while preserving an Honorable Discharge.

All Charges Dismissed

Marine Corps Sergeant (E-5) charged with fraternization/restraining order violation and segregated from his unit and primary military duties in 2010: All Charges Dismissed before trial.

All Charges Withdrawn and Dismissed.

In 2012, Marine charged with wrongful use and possession of controlled substance. After making a pre-trial presentation of our case to the Government

All Charges Dismissed

Larceny, Conspiracy, and Drug Distribution charges in connection to an alleged scheme surrounding a shared apartment complex in 2010: All Charges Dismissed before trial after exposing fatal problems with the government’s chain of custody and evidence authenticity.

Charges withdrawn from court-martial

Navy Corpsman charged with distributing steroids in Afghanistan: Charges withdrawn from court-martial and Sailor retained at subsequent attempted administrative separation board.

Charges dismissed

Marine Staff Sergeant (E-6) arrested at Border Patrol Checkpoint in San Clemente, CA with large amount of marijuana and charged with drug possession with intent to distribute in 2009: after multiple motions and procedural attacks, Charges dismissed from trial to be resolved administratively.

Charges dismissed

Marine Sergeant (E-5) charged with multiple counts of assault, tampering with urinalysis as the urinalysis coordinator, drug distribution, drug possession in a combat zone, fraternization, disrespect. With the jury waiting outside the courtroom, Mr. Meyer persuaded the judge to abate the proceedings due to procedural concerns and prosecutor misdeeds. Charges dismissed from trial two days later to be handled administratively, preserving honorable discharge.

Charges Dismissed

Junior Marine charged with conspiracy, larceny, and receipt of stolen military property in connection with an alleged conspiracy to steal and sell high-powered advanced combat optical military gun sights (ACOGs): Charges Dismissed from court to accept Non-judicial Punishment and continue career.

Charges Dismissed

Charges of Domestic Violence, aggravated assault, and disorderly conduct in 2012: After pretrial efforts, Charges Dismissed from trial to accept non-judicial punishment and continue career.

NO Jail Time, NO Fine, NO Discharge, and NO Loss of Rank

In a 2018, NO Jail Time, NO Fine, NO Discharge, and NO Loss of Rank for our client facing nearly two decades on 9 different charges, including assault likely to cause grievous bodily injury. An intricately planned defense trial strategy and thorough investigation gave us the fodder to methodically expose the unreliability of the prosecution’s case, with one cross-examination stretching over 3 days. We recruited some absolutely critical experts, including a Dermatologist, OBGYN, and even a Veterinarian. By the end of trial, the reasonable doubt on the life-changing charges was undeniable, and our client walked away with a conviction only on the two minor offenses we expected, which got him a written reprimand from a fair judge.


In December 2019, CI/HUMINT Marine Staff Sergeant charged with Assault at an Involuntary Administrative Separation Board Hearing on Camp Pendleton, CA- NO BASIS, MARINE RETAINED, still serving Honorably.

Charges Dismissed

Marine Corps Corporal charged with Drug Distribution in connection with an alleged spice distribution ring on Camp Pendleton, CA: After exposing holes in investigator’s case before the pretrial hearing, Charges Dismissed from trial to be disposed administratively.

All Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Charges Dismissed

In 2016, Military Client in Fort Knox, Kentucky charged with Assault, Sexual Abuse, and Child abuse. After pretrial motions, All Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Charges Dismissed. Client accepted a misdemeanor orders violation charge for “disrespect to a senior officer.” No jail time, no sexual offense, and Client permitted to continue career, ultimately retiring honorably.


In 2018, the Commander of the same Marine attempted to Administratively Separate the Marine through an Involuntary Administrative Separation Board Hearing on charges of Hazing and Assault- MARINE RETAINED and still serving Honorably.

Steal and Sell Property

In 2010, Marine charged with Burglary, Conspiracy to Commit Larceny, Larceny, and receiving stolen government property in connection with a yearlong scheme to break in, steal, and sell property from a Special Operations Command warehouse. After pre-trial hearing and months of litigation, secured a pre-trial agreement for a cap of 3 months confinement, without the defendant agreeing to cooperate with prosecutors against his alleged co-conspirators.

Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto of 2 automobiles and a boat, reckless endangerment to human life, cocaine possession and use, disorderly conduct, and unauthorized absence, wherein two co-defendants would steal vehicles, drive them to Pala, CA desert and shoot them with shotguns: Negotiated pretrial agreement for 18 months, which was only 6 months past time already served, without having to cooperate with investigators against co-defendant.


In 2018, Client at a Marine Corps Board of Inquiry charged with False Official Statement, DUI, and Dereliction of Duty

All Charges Dismissed

Client charged with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct in the presence of multiple witnesses in 2010: after two months of litigation, All Charges Dismissed to accept administrative punishment, preserving honorable discharge and avoiding sex offender registration.

Finding of No Basis and Retained.

In 2018, Marine Corps Major charged at a Board of Inquiry with sexual assault


These case results are past results achieved by Aaron Meyer, but do not guarantee or predict any specific outcome in your particular legal matter.

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