Consumer Assistance

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So often in disputes with unreasonable parties, you can get justice through quick, forceful, and informed assertion of your legal rights. Problem is, you may not yet actually know your legal entitlements or what the next step should be. You may not have the resources to put together an effective complaint, letter, or filing that achieves your goal. Other law firms may tell you that your potential recovery or your damages are not enough to justify the time and money involved in a full lawsuit. And that may be true. But the case still has a major impact upon your life, peace of mind, and your wallet. Just because you may not have a high-dollar claim, you should not be left to fend for yourself or told to go figure out how small claims court works.

Since we truly believe what we say about picking up the fight for David versus Goliath, Aaron Meyer Law gives you the individualized legal solution you need. We offer alternative reduced package representation at one-time flat fees, because everyone should have access to justice.

Unscrupulous people, corporations, or bureaucrats bank on the fact that you won’t have the knowledge, energy, or resources to push back on their unfair or unlawful actions. But knowledge is power.

Sometimes it just takes an intelligent and informed filing, letter, complaint, or communication to let them know the law is on your side and you are not lying down. As with any bully, the day you show up to the playground and punch back is usually the last day you are bullied. Aaron Meyer is here to give you an intelligent counter-punch.

“Aaron takes his work very seriously and ultimately gave me back my faith in the legal system and that justice can and will prevail if you stick to your guns!…I would recommend him to anyone looking for who I consider to be one of the best damn Defense Attorneys around!” – J.E., former client –Senior Defense Counsel, Marine Corps

You get heavyweight legal help on your side without having to pay heavyweight fees.

So Aaron Meyer works with you to assess you legal problem, talk about the evidence, and craft efficient courses of action.

He will help you evaluate the legal issues that surround your problem, what your rights and possible obligations would be, explore your options, determine what the next steps would involve. You could also learn that you simply do not have a case. Sometimes, it only takes a strategy session for you to better understand what is happening, what may happen next, and what you can do about it.

Once we determine options, we can discuss steps that Aaron Meyer may be able to take on your behalf or assemble for you.

“He is clearly the best trial or defense counsel that I have observed in the courtroom” –Senior Defense Counsel, Marine Corps

Access to Power

We provide you access to assistance you can afford in battles in Southern California, such as:

  • Unfair Business Practices
  • Fraud from an auto dealer
  • Contract Breach
  • Debt Collector abuse or credit disputes
  • Security Deposit or dispute over repairs with your Landlord
  • Consumer Finance Loans
  • Identity Theft
  • Military Members and families with Servicemember Civil Relief Act disputes

Without the financial commitment of full representation, we can decide later if we need to go further

You decide how much or how little you want Aaron Meyer to pursue your matter. You can rest assured that you will understand the legal landscape, what could be done next, and what outcomes may follow. With reduced package representation, we can craft an affordable, individualized solution to potentially resolve your dispute economically and quickly. Call Aaron Meyer Law at 949-732-1419 or fill out the form below to discuss these options.

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